Tuition and Financial Aid

Tuition rates for the 2024-2025 school year have been established.

Saint Vincent de Paul School has four tuition categories based on engagement levels.

Participation Rate per child
Base Tuition $ 18,075.00
Participating School Family, but not Participating Parishioners $ 15,950.00
Participating Parishioners, but not a Participating School Family $ 15,185.00
Participating Parishioners and a Participating School Family $ 12,880.00

A Participating Parishioner is a Catholic family registered in Saint Vincent de Paul Parish. Families must have demonstrated regular participation in the church through Mass attendance and giving. Giving can be done online or through your family envelope. This engagement is tracked by the Parish.

A Participating School Family is a family known over the previous year to the school administration as being active volunteers in Saint Vincent de Paul School as shown in their completion of required service hours and their attendance at two of the four Parent Guild Meetings. Two parent household volunteers 30 hours annually and a single-parent household volunteers 15 hours annually. Volunteer hours are tracked throughout the year.

Financial Aid Information

The Archdiocese of San Francisco offers financial aid to students based on proven need and available funding. Financial Aid is available through Completed applications must be accompanied by all pages of your Federal Income Tax Return (including all schedules). In addition to Archdiocesan Financial Aid, Saint Vincent de Paul School also provides financial aid based on proven need and available funding.

Families must re-apply for financial aid grants for each school year.